When was the last time you actually had any action in the bedroom and can you even
remember that far back? You are useless with that cock anyway so I have decided that
you may as well become a BORN AGAIN VIRGIN. I have also prepared the BORN
AGAIN VIRGIN MANTRA which you will learn and recite daily. Just leave all the hot
action to the real men in future….
You are so beta it is friggin hilarious and I thought it was time you heard some home
truths. For example, do you even know that pretty much every single woman you have
ever known laughs at you behind your back? That’s right bitch boy, you are a joke and
no woman would ever choose a little BETA BITCH BOY when there are so many hot
ALPHAS out there…
You are just plain USELESS in the bedroom, a total DISASTER and why? You
are PERPETUALLY IMPOTENT. Forget about EVER having any sex life. After
all…. what woman wants to feel a SOFT COCK between her legs?
mind fuck, trigger words, emasculation, humiliation.
You are literally half a man at best with that ridiculous excuse for a cock which looks
more like a girls clit, so watching this mind fucking clip will emasculate and you
should finally accept what you will never be which is a REAL MAN capable of
providing sexual pleasure.
You are addicted to porn and GOONING and it’s about time you heard exactly how far
away you really are from actually having any pussy because GOONER LOSERS never
get any girl. Mind fucking clip