You get full sexual fulfillment from porn. Self gratification is what it’s all about. No need for a sexual partner. No SEX, JUST PORN. Imagine having to pleasure someone else. This is the last thing on your mind because you are a PORNOSEXUAL and PORN is your SEX LIFE forever…

You spend more than just a few short hours a week stroking and edging and GOONING over porn, but I want more. Now it’s time to be MIND FUCKED in to making GOONING your FULL TIME thing to do! Nothing else will be anywhere near as important. STROKE, EDGE, GOON every day ALL day. Of course GOONERS do not get to cum and instead are in such a state of high arousal that they simply have to GOON even MORE!

There you were playing a seemingly harmless blackmail game and one which involved sending me all manner of info on yourself.
Well, just imagine I actually used that info to expose you all over social media and anywhere else, so now it’s time to do everything I say. I am in need of extra funds so that is where pimping you out comes in. I shall go in to plenty detail on exactly what goes down on your first session with not one but 2 guys….

You crave the humiliation of completing the type of tasks which only a total beta loser would ever do, so this set of 6 will keep you nice and busy 😉

This game exists purely for my own entertainment. I shall ask you a series of VERY humiliating questions which should be answered and sent back to me. Once evaluated I shall get back to you on my thoughts but there is only really one question you should be asking your and that is ‘ How much of a loser am I ? ‘ ha ha ha.

You are a lard ass and have tried all sorts of diets in a bid to lose the flab but instead you are heavier than ever. Well I have the ultimate diet. THE BLACKMAIL DIET and if I do not see those pounds falling off there will be consequences…

Your cock throbs and your heart races when thinking of being EXPOSED by someone like myself. Your pic or vid clip posted on social media or other sites, but what would your friends, colleagues, partner etc actually say about it? Listen in and find out….

I have decided that it’s time to modify your diet, a daily morning ritual which is reserved for the very biggest of losers.
Well what are you waiting for loser ? Watch the clip and follow my instruction…

You are STILL a VIRGIN and will probably always be, so I want to know more and shall ask several questions. Send me all your answers and then I shall evaluate what your realistic chances are of ever getting laid during this lifetime. Step in to the VIRGIN’S CONFESSIONAL…

You love completing humiliating tasks so this blackmail game is perfect and shall last just 48 hours. Do ALL the tasks or risk the consequences. The clock will be ticking….